flavored cigars may not be the preferred cigar for the majority of premium
cigar smokers, they are quickly gaining popularity and appeal. Infused with a
large variety of mouthwatering flavors such as vanilla, chocolate, mint,
blackberry, honey, and rum, the flavored cigars are quickly becoming a
preference. With technology ever improving, the quality of flavored cigars has
been raised to unprecedented heights so that you get the right tick of sweet,
superbly nuanced flavors. Below are some of the varieties that you can try and
they will pleasantly surprise your taste buds.
ACID cigars
Acid cigars are unique cigars. They are hand-made in Nicaragua at the Drew
Estate factory. They employ a slightly different infusion process as compared
to other cigars, whereby the tobacco is cured in a large room (aroma room)
lined with over 200 essential herbs, oils, and botanicals to gradually infuse a
unique and aromatic taste into the tobacco. Each cigar has a distinct flavor
and bouquet that are richly aromatic and delectable. There are four different
types of the Acid cigars, i.e. Acid Blue, Red, Gold, and Purple, all of which
will blow your senses away.
CAO flavors
CAO was among the premiere manufacturers of the flavored cigars. With a number
of different flavors, CAO promises to offer a truly complex-tasting experience.
CAO Gold Honey uses an orange blossom honey derived from a single floral honey
found in Florida. The honey compliments the finest tobacco to give a delicate
bland that has a faint citrus flavor. CAO Moontrace is an intricate blend
infused with 100% natural exotic fruit and bourbon vanilla extracts. Moontrace
is a complex flavor that will captivate the palate.
Java cigars
Java cigars are made from a unique infusion of espresso and cocoa bean aromas
to form a well-balanced mix of Nicaraguan tobaccos with subtle and well-rounded
flavors. The java cigars have a rich and smooth tobacco taste that overspills
with a pleasant, creamy coffee-mocha aroma.
The definition of flavored isn’t what it used to be. Try any of the above bestflavored cigars and you may actually be impressed and find a new brand to spice
up your smoking experience.
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