Flavored Cigars: yes or no?
I'm sure you can't pick just
one special flavored cigar. Especially with such variety available and the
increased quality. Many cigar enthusiasts ignore this section in their local
shop. There's rising quality among flavored cigars so don't pass it by.
Which flavors are the best?
Kahlua cigars offer great
taste and are a favorite for many individuals. However it's no longer being
produced so take action if you enjoy this one. It won't be around much
longer.Helix Remix produces an Amaretto flavor that's amazing. It's available
in the larger gauges.
Acid Kuba Kuba, created by
Drew Estate, provides mild and sweet flavored cigars. If your preferences
include bold flavors Tabak Especial. It starts with strong coffee flavors. Then
it slowly turns to a sweet, less powerful taste as it burns. Also this one's
created by Drew Estate.
The Best Brands
The best brand name flavored
cigars include CAO Flavours, Ghurka's Grand Reserve, Decadencia by Torano, and
finally Erin Go Bragh. These brands use the best quality flavoring method
available therefore producing the best quality cigar.
The Process of Flavoring
Some cigar companies don't
use quality methods. This process involves soaking small trimming of tobacco in
vanilla or cherry flavored brine. Next it's covered in a sugar soaked wrapper
leaf. This doesn't sound too appealing.
As the market for flavored
cigars increases the better known brands use new methods and techniques. The
tobacco's soaked not sprayed allowing for a more pleasant taste. These brands
have raised the bar for quality.
Have you heard of reaction
flavors? They're created for tobacco products only. This cigar blend gains
flavor as it burns. Many enjoy this improvement compared to the bitter taste at
the end of cigars.
Take advantage of these new
flavors. You may actually enjoy it. Click on best flavored cigars for more information.